Ember Norman

Why Transgender?

PLay Trailer
PLay Episode

In the episode, “Why Transgender?” we meet Ember Norman, a trans woman who bravely shares her story of transitioning. Throughout her childhood, Ember always knew she was unique but hid her identity until her thirties. With the right support group and amazing friends, Ember bravely stepped out in her true identity and began her transition journey. Through this incredible process, we watch Ember share her struggles, strength and kindness through her facial feminization journey.  Dr. Javad Sajan performs Ember’s facial feminization using advanced and highly technical techniques and processes. He performs the facial feminization as well as a hair transplant, making him the only cosmetic surgeon to do so. Through his precision, dedication, and expertise, we witness Ember’s stunning transition and lovely identity.


Created By

Dr. Javad Sajan

Ember Norman